Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Ancillary Tasks:

-We've set to work on these over the half term.

Fist up, the newspaper Ad (by Zane)

-This was his first design, and i really liked it, it's very bold, engaging and interesting. He said he wanted the layout to look like a comic book page, which i can appreciate, my criticism for this, however, was that there was just too much going on, with irregular miss matching fonts (with slight grammar error). I found it a little hard to make out on the writing at the bottom.

-So he took that on board and came up with this, which is fantastic, simple, has got all the right info, to the point, and a great choice of graphic.


-Teachers criticism for this was that the green didn't go, and the style, and add the 'comic corp.' logo and adjust it so that the white wasn't there.

-I suggested, that we could probably break convention and stylise the More4 logo to fit the style that we want, that's mostly dark colours, red/black.

Secondly! The double page spread (Me)

-This is my first design, i wanted to have a dark colour scheme (black/red mostly), i wanted it to be quite dynamic, glossy looking and quite active, also much like the pages of a comic book. There is dummy text in the text block, but for the actual final draft we will have real text to do with the documentary. I wanted it to be mostly visual, to catch the readers eye with a snappy title.

-Problems with this: The background is boring and quite blank, i couldn't decide on what images to use to fill it up and make it look fuller.

-I also don't think that the images are that interesting, they are relevant, but not as bold as i would have liked to make them.


-I then came up with this. Zane suggested that we connect the Ad and the double page spread even more through imagery, so, as you may faintly see in the background, i have used the same image of the girl that he used in his Ad. It's quite subtle but effective because it's a good 'filler', you may not notice it when it's there, but like in the first draft, when it's not there, it looks a little more empty and unfinished. I also used a second picture i found myself. These enhance the edginess and dark style we have.

-I also added a subtitle for the text block and on the bottom right, more text. There are a few mistakes, but these are only first drafts which i did on paint.net (a little like photoshop, but but in a basic 'pain' style). I believe Zane did his in Illustrator. We will be doing the final draft on Indesign.

Teachers criticism:
-It's to busy, your eyes don't know where to look.
-The title is a little immaturely done.
-Looks too much like an advertisement.

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