Thursday, 10 December 2009

Late post is late:

Ok, so i haven't been able to hope onto a computer and just post this, but here is the news:


-It went ok, we filmed what i said we were going to in the last post, but we were unable to film inside, so we took some pictures that we might be able to use. (It wasn't explained to me in the e-mail from Mr Harrison that there were other issues to do with getting permission for filming there.)


-Problem! The opening shots of our production were good, but the sound quality was awful, so we have had to scrap the whole thing, and do it somewhere quieter, it would be great to do it outside, but both Calamity and Forbidden Planet are on main roads, and this just wont be possible.

-Solution! We will be using our schools drama room (with good lighting/acoustics) to do the presenters introduction, with comic related material displayed, this will work very well. Mirella is organising this with the drama teacher.

-Problem! We show much too much on our opening, it's supposed to be a taster, but we explain too much, and we will not be able to fit everything on the script into our extract.

-Solution! We've edited the script, cut it down, and organised it better. So the plan is, it's only one scene, the presenter talking then the voice overs coming in with relevant clips, rather than what we originally hoped (which was the presenter appearing in front of the places we were going to have on the documentary, as well as the voice overs).

(Note: We already have all our clips, so what we could do is rearrange our storyboards maybe, just to keep everything the same, but come editing i dont think there would be much point to it.)


-Me and zane have been discussing it, and we have come up with come music we would like to use in our product. Here is the e-mail, with a list of music we have compiled. He wanted to find music that we relevant to the topic,

' i trying to link music to purpose and the purpose of the documentary was to show that inequalitity to women in comics is problem maybe?'- Zane


1.Paper planes- m.i.a ( )-not right for the mood, and kinda freaky.

2. in the end by linkin park

- will be awkward with the voice overs, and is too negative.

3.I'd come for you- Nikelback

-it's too sad.

4. Kryptonite- Three doors down

- Opening music. (already did the permission thingy with this one.)

5. when you were young- the killers

-good second option for opening or other part, relevant lyrics, good tune.

6. Foo Fighters - Times Like These

-After opening. Listen to it from 7 seconds too 15 seconds, i am thinking we can repeat this part for as long as we need to.

7. Let it rock- Kevin Rudolf ( )- good but but i think it will be an awkward mix, but we'll see, i want to try this one, we'll ask mirella and mohammed what they think.

8. Anime music: Yasushi Ishii - Logos naki World, Hellsing opening theme

-low key background music.

9.Creating our own music.

That's it!

(Final script will be uploaded later, more computer problems)

Friday, 4 December 2009

Teacher's comments+ some thoughts:

Well, miss said that what we have is good, but the order we have them in doesn't work visually,

--E.g. we have a few shots of someone drawing, so naturally it is assumed that next a person will be talking about drawing etc, but then the next few clips after that show something completely different.

My argument for this was that it would all be explained in the voice overs, but I've taken her judgment into account, so me and my group will be doing some re-organising of shots.

NOTE: Our group's idea's really do mesh well together upon viewing the clips. Zane's consumerism idea, (I'm thinking of the the shots of stalls with more masculine comics, followed right after by more feminine stalls, i like the contrast there.) and Mirella's on showing comic culture, so far it's mostly men on the comics side, and generally girls and boys one the manga side, but girls are associated with it a lot more. Unfortunately, Mohammed's is the odd one out here.

Filming- Forbidden Planet

---SATURDAY 5TH DECEMBER- FORBIDDEN PLANET/( possibly my house)---

What we will be doing:

-Getting shots from Forbidden Planet .
-Filming the presenter.

Duration: 1h 30 min (approx)

Time: Meeting at 10:45, Arriving 11:15 AM (approx)

Travle: Train.

Costume: Presenter (Hannah)

- Jeans
- Black Coat
- Comic genre'd T-shirt


-Camera ( x1)
- Tripods (x1)
- Script
- Storyboard
- Costume
- Shotlist
-Photo camera
-Comic Poster
-Comic book

Note: Mr Harrison hasen't replied to me about new dates for forbidden Planet, so we are a little stuck, however we are going to film outside and across the road, and then go in and see if we can convince them to let us get some, what i am calling 'free filming' done, handy-cam shots basically, just going about it fly-on-the-wall style, the camera following someone (me) around the shop. At this point, with our deadline so close, we'll take what we can get.

Sunday, 29 November 2009

Filming Cancelled

We wanted to film this weekend on Sunday outside, but the rain was annoying and ruined that possibility so we had to cancel.

Forbidden Planet says they are too busy to let us film inside the shop, so we have to do it outside in front of the shop, across the road maybe. There is no problem with filming the shop, but their sales have been good and they have a lot to do, but we're going to take what we can get and do the best we can with it. They say that we'll have to film after new years, but we really can't., Zane is also e-mailing them.

So, instead we have other shots filmed (of comics), and we need to record those VO's (voice overs) onto the Macs. I've asked Zane to search for some footage of Batgirl from the old 50's Tv show for us to use (maybe 4 seconds of it) and we need to do the slide show for the beginning of the documentary. And that's where we are so far.

Not alot of time left, but things are looking good :)

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Tuesday's filming:

--It went very well, we got *everything* we needed, however, Mirella pointed out to me that while the interviewee was talking there was music playing in the back ground, which none of us really noticed, but this shouldn't pose a problem. Most of the interview will be cut and muted, and we might then have to go back for some re-filming, or maybe to just get some sound recordings of him talking to use as a VO.

This is Eric (interviewee)
Zane has some more pictures of our trip HERE, on his blog.

On another note...

--We have started uploading and editing, and so far it's looking good, but we need to do a lot more editing, and i will also have to record my VO's straight onto the Mac computer.

(My opinion on Macs' can be wholly summarised in one word; unreliable.)

Monday, 23 November 2009

Shooting Schedule


What we will be doing:

-Getting more shots from calamity.
-Filming the presenter with the interviewee.

Duration: 1h 30 min (approx)

Time: Arriving 4:10

Travle: Train/Bus, from school.

Costume: Presenter (Hannah)

- Jeans
- Black Coat
- Comic genre'd T-shirt


-Camera ( x2)
- Tripods (x2)
- Script
- Storyboard
- Costume
- Shotlist
-Photo camera

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Filming on Saturday

So, we went filming yesterday, and we managed to get three interviews from the public, and do the intro.

As you can see it was a little difficult, cars kept coming and parking, so we had to work quickly and experiment a little. It also started to rain so we had to stop, but overall it was successful, we got what we really needed, hopefully we will be finished with filming at Calamity on Tuesday.

Friday, 20 November 2009

Shooting Schedule:


What we will be doing:

-Interviewing the public .
-Getting more shots from calamity.
-Filming the presenter introducing the documentary.

Duration: 1h 30 min (approx)

Time: Arriving 10:30

Travle: Bus, meeting at Jubilie Clock.

Costume: Presenter (Hannah)

- Jeans
- Black Coat
- Comic genre'd T-shirt


-Camera ( x1)
- Tripods (x1)
- Script
- Storyboard
- Costume
- Shotlist
-Photo camera

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Idea (From evaluation)

2) 'Make sure that the audience know that there will be more to the documentary (5 min extract, therefor an idea of what they are going to miss out).'

- Well, the rest of my group are thinking of idea's for this point. Here is mine:

  • Do a random fade out during mid-sentence, while the presenter is talking: This should (hopefully) create some frustration in the audience, so they would want to know about the rest of the documentary.
(I will put up the script later on, i seem to be having trouble with putting it on google docs from my home computer, same for my original power point presentation.)

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Wardrobe: 2

Well, here is a propp we used:

-Superman logo T-shirt.
-We borrowed this from another class mate.

It's fitting with the theme, and should also draw in viewers.

(She suggested i wear a shirt over it, but we couldn't get our hands on one at the time, unfortunately)

Filming at Calamity: Report!

-So we went out and got the shots we needed, and we also did some experimenting... quite a bit, there was a really good atmosphere.

(Thanks for the pictures' Mirella and Zane!)

--Unfortunately it got dark, there were a few delays too, but next week we'll be more organised, i want to see if i can get the school to let us skip registration so we can get there on time next tuesday.

--We didn't get to do the interview, it was understood that it would be done on the next tuesday, no problem! gives us a little more time to polish up a bit. The light outside wont matter, it will just make it seem like we were there another day, so it will give the idea of time passing.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Shooting Schedule


-Interviewing: James (retailer)

-Duration: 1h 30 min (approx)

-Time: Arriving 4:30-4:40

-Travle: Train/Bus, meeting at Convent studyroom 3:25

-Costume: Presenter (Hannah)
- Jeans
- Black Coat
- Comic genre'd T-shirt

-Camera ( x2)
- Tripods (x2)
- Script
- Storyboard
- Costume
- Shotlist

Peer Evaluation:

Today's lesson was to evaluate each others work. This was a very productive lesson, the main points that were made about ours so far were:

1) Improve the script i.e explanations before the dialogue.

-To add to this i need to clarify that the extended dialogue of the presenter is going to be a VO on other clips.

2) 'Make sure that the audience know that there will be more to the documentary (5 min extract, therefor an idea of what they are going to miss out).'

-I agree, however just to point out, there will be extracts of interviews, which will be muted with the presenter's VO talking about them. This does do that, but i understand what the point being made is, it looks like a 5 minute documentary.

3) Try to use a variety of shots.

- I said i didn't agree so much with this one, but never the less we'll experiment with more angles.

4) Too long?

-I don't think that this will be a problem, firstly because i believe it will go by quickly, and lastly because if it is too long then we can cut it down, the opening shouldn't give too much away (referring back to point 2).

Sunday, 15 November 2009

General Update 2

Well, i hate how it's getting dark so early, so we're going to have to do what we can. So yes, filming on Tuesday (the interview) and then on Saturday (the rest of what we need from Calamity, so it will be lighter still). Loving Zane's improvement on our opening slide show, that will look great!

My extra research/analysis for the ancillaries will be up later, and tomorrow hopefully we'll see how miss got on with her marking of our storyboards/scripts/shot list, they all needed to directly correlate, which is quite difficult :S *fingers crossed*

That's it!!

Thursday, 12 November 2009

New dates:

OK, so the dates that i asked for wont be possible, the shop is usually quite crowded on Thursdays (delivery day). So we (our group) got together, and we all agreed on the following dates to ask them for, which should be fine.

-Monday 23rd November

-Monday 30Th November

-Tuesday 1st December

I have had to look at their calendar to avoid dates where the shop would be full for e.g. signings etc. The dates for calamity remain, they told me it would be fine, and we can do our interview, on Tuesday :)

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Last Shot list:

Last of out shortlists, edited just a bit, but more accurate:



The script is up! The upload worked in school, but fo some reason not at home.


Tuesday, 10 November 2009

What we need?

Quick list of Things we need for filming:

*1* Camera - We need only one, but two for the interview so that things can be done more efficiently.

*2* Tripod - we will be using handycam alot, but only one will be needed, and two for teh interview.

*3* Script

*4* Storboards

*5* Presenter - (Me) Will have to look at what to wear and have it approved by the Art Director (Mirella).

*6* Tape

Final draft of Script:

Because of the tough time that Blogger is giving me, i am not able to upload my script onto here, so it will remain as a separate PDF file. It's only been corrected, the scene numbers were missing, as well as one question.

The problem:

-There is no way to put a PDF file onto the blogger post >>

-I looked at blogger's 'Help' link and searched their browser>>

-I found an answered question about uploading general files; it was suggested to go into 'Google Documents' and upload it there, then paste the link for it here >>

-However, it did not upload PDF's>>

-I converted the file, using Zamzar, and then attempted to download it, but there was some kind of technical error i could not fix>>

-I tried using file hosting sites, but you had to pay a periodical fee>>

-Hence, i had to take screen shots.


Me and Mirella, my Art Director, have decided that clothing (or wardrobe for the presenter-- me) choice doesn't have to follow continuity, i don't have to wear the same thing for the whole time. This is because our extract gives the idea of time passing e.g. at one point we are at anime convention, at another we are at different comic book shops. I assume that the light outside will get lighter or darker with each part of our production, because of the shorter days and the weather (e.g. cloudy, sunny), also giving the idea of the day coming and going.

She told me that i should dress in a 'groovy', 'punky' way, to keep the audiences attention, and match the subject that i am talking about. She said i can't, for example, wear a suit, this would dampen the theme and make it too serious. I should draw the attention of the viewers.

It's a certain style that our TA would notice.

Music Permission

I want to use the song 'Kryptonite' by Three doors down, so i have to get permission from them to use the music. I doubt that i'm going to get a quick enough reply, but it's for educational uses, so this shouldn't be a problem, but this would be required in real life.

What i did:

I did a google search, looking for some basic information about the band, since i don't really know ahything about it. I looked at wikipedia, and found that they were signed to Universal Records, which are owned by The Universal Music Group. To verify this i went to their website and looked at what artists they had and found The bands web site through there.

I looked at the FAQ page of the Universal Music Group, and found the copyright and licensing division web site. There i found this permission form:

There we have it :)

Letters regarding filming:

Forbidden Planet



--Note: There may be more dates, this doesn't count the possibility of re-filming.

Sunday, 8 November 2009


Hm, well, having problems putting the script up in blogger, it doesn't download files onto the posting box, and for some reason Google Documents or other file hosting sites wont upload it. So i am going to take screen shots of it, cut out the extra bits on Paint.NET and put it up. I'm starting not to like blogger.

This is what i have so far, it's about 7 pages long in it's propper format.

1st Draft- White

Unfortunatly the interviewee's parts are blank, for now. The interviewees part from the Anime con. interviews are on tape, which i haven't had a chance to look at as of yet.


Zane, has produced a wonderful logo for us to use. This makes me very happy, thanks Zane!

Me and Zane were discussing this, and he told me that from his reseach he's found that the titles of companys usually have their whole title in capitals, an example he showed me,

Our 'corp' is in small, we have descided that this is the best look for it, and it also breaks convention, keeping with the creativness of out theme.

Shot list:

OK, there is our shot list. Last thing to post is the script, but that will go up later, due to formatting issues on my end.

Shot list: (Zane)

///////////////////////////////////// slide show

  1. zoom in (of cover)

  2. zoom in (of cover)

  3. zoom in (of cover)

  4. zoom in (of cover)

  5. zoom in (of cover) }Approx five covers.


  1. close up ( feet walking )

  2. close up ( feet/ legs from behind)

  3. long shot

  4. upward panning(from legs to face)

  5. zoom in

  6. mid-shot

  7. zoom in (slow zoom )

  8. close up(face)

  9. long shot (people walking)

  10. low angle (pointing right )

  11. low angle (pointing left)

  12. level shot (foot walking)

  13. zoom in (feet)

  14. high angle (people at the event )

  15. high angle (establishing shot of drawing area)

  16. long shot (people drawing / writing )

  17. close up (person drawing )

  18. over the shoulder ( person drawing )

  19. extreme close up (drawing )

  20. panning (pictures on the wall

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Random cuts and images

  1. panning (people on stage << eye level )

  2. hand held( walking through crowd)

  3. close up ( person drawing )

  4. long shot (establishing shot)

  5. long shot (people in costumes )

  6. long shot (people buying goods)

  7. low angle (people sitting )

  8. zoom ( fast through crowd )

  9. low angle ( establishing shot)

  10. long shot(people drawing )

  11. high angle (people drawing )

  12. high angle people (drawing watching previews )

  13. mid-shots ( people being interviewed )

  14. mid shot ( presenter interview )

  15. mid-shot( interview )

  16. mid- shot ( interview in progress )

  17. long mid-shots (more interview )

  18. long shot (presenter watcher interview)

  19. long shot ( playing with games)

  20. extreme close up ( game is being played )

  21. low angle (posters hanging from the ceiling )

  22. panning

  23. handheld (following presenter through crowd)

  24. high angle (ceiling )

  25. close up (feet walking )

  26. long shot (walking )

  27. zoom (from right )

  28. low angle (walking to books)

  29. panning

  30. zoom in

  31. close up

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Comic section

  1. scroll down

  2. extreme close up ( comic list view )

  3. downward panning (comic list )

  4. zoom in ( slow )

  5. extreme close up (comic pages )

  6. mid- shot (person being interviewed )

  7. eye level

  8. mid-shot( presenter walks into the shot )

  9. eye level ( angled book shelf )

  10. eye level ( angled from the left )

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Multiplex four shots

  1. mid-shot( over lap comic characters )

  2. panning down ( pictures of characters )

  3. panning upward (pictures of character)

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////quick cut comic books

  1. extreme close up( the interviewee’s face )

  2. mid-shot ( interviewee)

  3. zoom in (interviews face)

  4. long shot ( interviewer )

  5. eye level ( side view toys )

  6. long shot

  7. high angle ( Spiderman life size )

  8. zoom in

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// scroll down > forums webpage

  1. close up ( shot of figures behind case )

  2. panning ( comic books on table )

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// clips for batman

  1. mid shot ( interviewee)

  2. tilt ( to the right from body )

  3. panning ( to the roof)

  4. over the shoulder shot ( interview in progress)

  5. close up ( comic books on shelves )

  6. panning ( in direction of interview )

  7. close up

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// logo comes up

Close up ( presenter behind books )

Saturday, 7 November 2009

The slide show intro

Here is a rough mock up of the slide show that will be our immediate opening to the documentary, with the music we want.

... very rough.

What we would like to do for our transitions are mostly cuts, but also 'page curl', like so,


Well, blogger really isn't that great for putting up so many pictures like this. It's an easy site to use, but when you put up pictures they always get placed at the top of the post, so you have to move them around. For this, i uploaded all these scans, went and copy pasted the HTML onto word and put them in the right order. The posting windows are too small to do this efficiently. (Click to view larger.)

Here are our finalised Storyboards!