Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Tuesday's filming:

--It went very well, we got *everything* we needed, however, Mirella pointed out to me that while the interviewee was talking there was music playing in the back ground, which none of us really noticed, but this shouldn't pose a problem. Most of the interview will be cut and muted, and we might then have to go back for some re-filming, or maybe to just get some sound recordings of him talking to use as a VO.

This is Eric (interviewee)
Zane has some more pictures of our trip HERE, on his blog.

On another note...

--We have started uploading and editing, and so far it's looking good, but we need to do a lot more editing, and i will also have to record my VO's straight onto the Mac computer.

(My opinion on Macs' can be wholly summarised in one word; unreliable.)

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