Idea (1) Comics: (hm, no underlining options...)
- The History of comics
- looking back at how comics have developed, the art/artists, stories and their development, the progression into story lines continuing into other comics/the writers.
-The era's of comic books, -what defines the era's,-Comics within the era's
-Certain writers/creators/artists (modern/old)
-Certain comics, how they have grown (e.g Batman/Superman/Green Lantern/Hulk)
-How comics came about, what started if off?
-Japanese manga, where did it start?
- Comics Media
-How comics have developed into film, comics and film the relationship.
-One comic through the ages e.g. superman (movie/comics/cartoon/TV show/merchandise), so exploring how comics, through one comic, has spread into other media, through one or many comics.
-How a comic is made, the process of creating a comic.
-The comics industry, how they are marketed.
- DC or MARVEL comics/ other comic publishers
-Look at DC/MARVEL or others, their history and how they came to be and how/why they became successful.
-Their people, how they became individually successful.
- Comics in society
-Mostly Captain America comics during WWII/Cold war.
-Comics promoting patriotism, 'say no to drugs', fight against racism etc, and also negative aspects e.g. Wertham’s Law, violence.
-Representation of women in comics i.e. artist representations, idea of 'Frigging', superheroine costumes, too skimpy? too busty? therefor sexist?
-What does the material say about the times, how do they reflect society? men/ women presented equally? How are different races presented? who are the bad guys? What are the stereotypes?
- Comic Culture (Manga comics/Western/web comics etc...)
-Manga and Japan craze 'It's like a different world'.
-Comics and fanfiction, free comic book day, comic con, whats the package?
- Personal bit
-How did one get into reading/collecting comics? What was it that got you started.
-A general talk about comics.
-Why does one like them? Whats the addiction?
-Whats the general public's view of them?
- Elements for the documentary
-Sone idea's for music, related to comic books. I can do something with this song, i dont really have any prticular types of songs i want, but i might just use a song from an anime.
-Example of the kind of anime song i could use. There is a close relationship between anime and japanese comics. This could either be back ground music, music to fill in the bits where there is no talking etc..
OK, that's as far as I'm going to go on this, 5 minutes can go by quite quickly. I have all that i need here i believe, so I'm going to have to pick a title. What i had in mind was a general title of 'Comics' then i can put in any of these ideas into the documentary, or i can have something specific like my coloured headings for a subtitle. The parts i really want are above in bold, some of them may or may not be dropped, or some added.
I'm going to need quite a bit of research, these are parts of Comic's that i know *of* but not actually know well.
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